
Quran and Islamic Studies Program 2019-2020

Weekend Classes (Saturday and Sunday)

Weekday Classes (Monday through Thursday)

Nashville International Academy
Quran and Islamic Studies Program 2019-2020
Program Objective: Quran and Islamic studies for boys and girls from 5 years and up. Based on
the enrollment, students will be divided into different levels and age groups. New teachers will
be hired based on the need, inshaAllah.

Sheikh Abdullahi Ali Mohamed
He is a Hafedh of Quran. He studied other Islamic subjects such as aqidah, fiqh, seerah, and tafseer. He has 7 years of teaching experience at ICT and AlHuda Mosques.
Ustada Suada Sharif
She is a former teacher at NIA and has been teaching Quran at Bellevue Musallah. She has been teaching Quran and Islamic studies for 5 years.
Ustada Amina Hashim
She has been teaching Quran at Bellevue Musallah. She has been teaching Quran and Arabic reading and writing for 10+ years.

Starting Date: From August 17, 2019
Options and Fees:
Option 1 – Saturday and Sunday (9:30am-1:30pm) – $60/month
Option 2 – Monday to Thursday (5:00pm-6:30pm) – $60/month
Option 3 – Mon to Thurs (5:00pm-6:30pm) and Sat to Sun (9:30am-1:30pm) – $100/month
• Weekday class time may be adjusted based on majority convenience
• One-time registration fee of $40 per child is due on the first day.
• Monthly fees are due on the first class-day of the month.
Location: Islamic Center of Nashville Bellevue Mosque
Registration: Please register online for each child at
Deadline: August 10, Sunday. After that students will be on the waiting list
Audience Intended: For every child who registers. From 5 years and up.
Orientation: August 24, Sunday. A separate email will be sent to parents who registered their children. All parents are requested to participate.
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Weekend Classes (Saturday and Sunday)

Assembly (30 minutes)
At the beginning of the session all students gather. Teacher briefs. Reads last ten (or so) Suras and students repeat.
Quran Classes (about 1 hr and half)
Class 1: Qaeda class to teach students Arabic reading and writing. Students eventually learn how to read Quran fluently. Students may be at different levels.
Class 2: Quran memorization. This class is for students who already know how to read the Quran fluently by himself or herself.
Break (about 45 minutes)
Students have an incentive that if they finish their lessons early, they can go for break early. Students will use this time to eat their snacks and play.
Islamic Studies (about 1 hr)
It covers Aqeeda/Tawheed, Taharat, Prayer, Seerah, etc. It has different levels. There are 10 books to be covered depending on the level of the students.
(Please do not order for any books. Teachers will assess children and advise which books to buy.
Part of the Registration Fee will be used to buy books for students)

Weekend Islamic School has more than a three-decade history. The main goal of the school is to provide an Islamic education in a positive environment to public school students enabling them to be well-rounded, strong contributors and role models as Muslims in our American society.
Our Mission
- To help our students develop strong, positive Islamic identities.
- To impart to our students a basic foundation in the fundamental teachings of Islam. This includes but is not limited to Quran, Seerah, History and analysis of current events from an Islamic perspective.
- To create a place where Muslim children can build friendships – sometimes lifelong – with other young Muslims.
- To help nurture Muslims of the future who will participate in the world surrounding them as ambassadors of Islam and responsible Americans.
Weekday Classes (Monday through Thursday)

Our program focuses on Quran reading and memorization along with meanings, Islamic Studies and some Arabic according to the student’s age and level. Additional Classes on Sundays:
Quran Classes (about 1 hr)
Class 1: Qaeda class to teach students Arabic reading and writing. Students eventually learn how to read Quran fluently. Students may be at different levels.
Class 2: Quran memorization. This class is for students who already know how to read the
Quran fluently by himself or herself. -
Islamic Studies (about half an hr)
It covers Aqeeda/Tawheed, Taharat, Prayer, Seerah, etc. It has different levels. There are 10 books to be covered depending on the level of the students.
(Please do not order for any books. Teachers will assess children and advise which books to buy. Part of the Registration Fee will be used to buy books for students)
Continuous Improvement and Feedback
We meet with parents regularly in order to do what is best for the students. Please enroll your children early and feel free to ask questions and give us your feedback. You can contact via email at
Nashville International Academy

NIA was founded in 1995 under the leadership of the Islamic Center of Nashville (ICN). In 2004, the school recharted as an independent, college preparatory, Islamic school. While the school is a separate, nonprofit educational entity, it is still affiliated with the Islamic Center of Nashville (ICN), and the property is owned and operated by them. By 2008, the leadership of ICN and former principal, Dr. Amiri Al-Hadid worked together to raise funds and built a new school building which consisted of 10 classrooms, resource and conference rooms, computer and science labs, and a cafeteria. Several of the existing portables were remodeled to use as prayer halls and a library. A new playground, soccer field and basketball court were also added for recreational activities.
Registration for 2019-2020 school year is now open. Please complete the form to signup your scholar. Limited spots are available.